
Sunday, May 11, 2008

I just want to inform to my fellow bloggers who have linked to my other blog, i.e hanyacerpenku... it is now officially closed.. :) and... i also have deleted my other social networking accounts such as tagged, hi5, facebook, myspace, perfspot, and etc due to no recent updates. Im only loyal to Friendster since most of my friends sign up there... :) It is more organize now...

I created this last night for my brother's FS background... bah jgn ko kan mengusut lagi...


  1. bos kasih tau dunk cara nge-delete perfspot accountnyako gw ga bisa2 ya.. padahal dah tulis surat segala..thanks sebelumnya

  2. Tak bisa? Bida bro. Tapi aku sudah lupa gimana caranya. Dh lama... Gudluck ya.



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