I rindu kat you.. oopz! =P

Monday, April 27, 2009

Wohoho… Now I’m really grateful for having holiday. I don’t have to worry about the traffic jam and rushing to work just to find a parking as nearest as possible to the workplace. I can wake up late and having my shower in the afternoon. Saya rasa sungguh bahagia. Sungguh aman. Sungguh enak. STOP!! ………………… Sampai bila mahu begini? Oh well… I don’t care as long as they call me. I really need this break. Hopefully they call us around May.

I bought some ‘Naruto’ dvds last Saturday. It costs me $24 but after some bargained with the cashier; she agreed to discount it by $2. Karit =P It consists of 45 episodes. I’m waiting for the latest set. Anyhow, I watched the first set non-stop during Saturday night and finally finished all the episodes this afternoon. Sungguh bahagia. Now you know how jobless I am. =) That’s the only anime that I watch.

Hi KGK =) Lama sudah kita tak chat yeee. Me rindu nak chat sama you. You tak rindu me ke? 7 hari kita tak bertegur sapa… MSN me pun sunyi tanpa you. Nasib baik semua itu sudah berlalu… I tak akan buat lagi. Ahax. =P Dalam masa 7 hari tuuu… I selalu jee dengar lagu ‘bila rasamu ini rasaku’. Ahaha. Ini bukan bermakna I suka kat lagu tuu tapi sekadar untuk melepaskan rindu. Asal jee dgr lgu tu… pasti I teringat kan you.

AHAHAHA bah2 bek adang… karang ada yang sasak membaca. AHAHAHAHA. Biar kamu~~~~ =P

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